A virtual public meeting was hosted online on October 2, 2024, and an in-person public meeting was hosted on October 30, 2024. As a result of the feedback on the revised alternatives presented at these meetings, PennDOT and the project team are completing further evaluations. Upon completion of these further evaluations, additional public meetings will occur. Please continue to visit the project website for updates.
A virtual public meeting was hosted online on October 2nd, 2024 at 6:00 PM. The project team gave a 30-minute presentation on revised alternatives, followed by a question and answer period. A recording of the presentation can be viewed below. A summary of the Q&A from the meeting can be reviewed here.
An in-person meeting was hosted on October 30th, 2024 at 6:00 PM at Gateway Church, where the project team made the same 30-minute presentation and answered questions. The information presented at the meetings on revised alternatives is provided below for review.
Thank you for visiting the project website. The US 30 Reconstruction program includes a series of projects that will upgrade the Coatesville-Downingtown Bypass (US 30) to improve safety, reduce congestion, accommodate planned growth, improve facility deficiencies, and improve system connectivity. In 2019 and 2020, the project team presented alternatives to the public for the Western Project Area, including the Western Terminus/PA Route 10, the Airport Road interchange, and the Route 82 interchange. Based on the technical evaluation of alternatives and input received at the meetings, alternatives were selected for each of these three projects. Exhibits and descriptions of the Airport Road, PA Route 82, and the Western Terminus/PA Route 10 selected alternatives were made available on the project website.
While the Airport Road and PA Route 82 selected alternatives have progressed to Preliminary Engineering, discussions have continued for the Western Terminus/PA Route 10 project area. As a result of further evaluation, a new set of alternatives to include a full-movement grade-separated interchange between US 30 and Business US 30 were developed to better achieve the purpose and needs versus the previously evaluated set of alternatives.
This public outreach effort is to present the new alternatives for the Western Terminus/PA Route 10 project area for review and input. The new alternative plans and the decision matrix tables are provided below on this webpage. A Virtual Public Meeting was held on Wednesday, October 2nd, and an In-Person Public Meeting was held on Wednesday, October 30th.
The existing interchange of US 30 and Business US 30 provides both eastbound and westbound on-ramps and off-ramps. The existing intersection of US 30 and PA Route 10 is an at-grade, signalized intersection.
- The existing Western Terminus provides an eastbound on-ramp and connection to eastbound Business US 30.
- The existing Western Terminus provides a westbound off-ramp and connection from westbound Business US 30.
- The existing intersection of US 30 and PA Route 10 is signalized.
The purpose of the project is to provide a safe and efficient transportation system by improving safety, reducing future congestion, accommodating planned growth, and improving facility deficiencies.
The project needs have been identified: Safety, Facility Deficiencies, and Congestion/Anticipated Growth
- Safety – Several locations within the project corridor have crash rates that exceed the statewide average for the same type of facility. Peak travel time congestion, narrow or absence of shoulders, and inadequate signalization and traffic signal phasing contribute to the high crash rates.
- Facility Deficiencies – Substandard roadway conditions exist throughout the project corridor. The existing pavement within the project area is approaching the end of its useful service life. The outer (right) shoulders are narrow and deteriorated. Two structures currently have insufficient vertical clearance.
- Congestion/Anticipated Growth – The existing traffic at the signalized intersection of US 30 and PA 10 currently exceeds the capacity during certain periods of the day, which results in congestion and driver delay. In the future, growth is anticipated to continue along US 30 and PA 10 in the area, resulting in higher vehicular traffic volumes and further congestion and delay.
Some of the significant environmental features of the project area include farmland, a church, a nature preserve, township open space, historic properties, six streams, and 12 wetlands. A total of 15 active agricultural parcels are present, one of which is in the Sadsbury Township Agricultural Security Area. The Gateway Grace Community Church is located south of US 30. The Sadsbury Woods Preserve owned by the Natural Lands Trust is located to the north of US 30. Sadsbury Township open space used for recreation abuts the preserve. There are two historic properties along the highway west of the US 30/Business US 30 merge. Buck Run is the main stream present and, along with its five tributaries, supports natural trout reproduction. Two of the wetlands present are open-water farm ponds. The remaining 10 wetlands support predominately emergent vegetation and are considered to of exceptional value due to their connection with the Buck Run streams.
The existing typical section and the proposed typical section for US 30 mainline is illustrated in the graphic below. The proposed typical section has not changed from the previous public outreach.
As a result of further evaluation, it was determined that a new set of revised alternatives to include a full-movement grade-separated interchange between US 30 and Business US 30 would better achieve the purpose and needs as opposed to the previously evaluated set of alternatives.
- A new grade-separated diamond interchange is provided for US 30 and Business US 30.
- A new roadway connection is provided from the new interchange to Compass Road, and the existing intersection of Compass Road at US 30 is eliminated.
- Two single-lane roundabouts are provided at the new interchange ramp terminal intersections.
- Three variations are under consideration at Quaker Road (same for R1 and R2).
- A new grade-separated interchange is provided for US 30 and Business US 30.
- A new roadway connection is provided from the new interchange to Compass Road, and the existing intersection of Compass Road at US 30 is eliminated.
- The westbound ramps are modified to include a loop road, and the westbound ramp terminal intersection is stop-controlled.
- One single-lane roundabout is provided at the new interchange for the eastbound ramp terminal intersection, which is the same design as Alternative R1.
- Three variations are under consideration at Quaker Road (same for R1 and R2).
Three variations are under consideration at Quaker Road (same for R1 and R2), as follows:
- Alternative 01: Business US 30 and Quaker Road stop-controlled T-intersection remains, with some realignment.
- Alternative 02: Quaker Road is realigned to tie into the interchange roundabout.
- Alternative 03: The Quaker Road intersection at Business US 30 is eliminated.
The Western Terminus/Route 10 Project Area (Section 10) is currently in the Conceptual Design phase, which will take approximately one year to complete. The next phase will be Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Evaluation, which is anticipated to last approximately two to four years. Final Design will follow, with a two-to-four-year timeframe.
The following graphic illustrates the steps within the noise evaluation process. The use of noise barriers will be evaluated during the Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Evaluation phase. Additional public meetings and special process meetings will be held as the project progresses to discuss the possible use of noise barriers.
Since the Western Terminus/Route 10 Project Area (Section 10) is currently in the Conceptual Design phase, property impacts are not yet known. Should your property be needed for transportation purposes, you will be contacted, and you may be assured that PennDOT’s Right-of-Way Representatives will gladly answer any questions you may have. You may also be assured that it is PennDOT’s intention to achieve the best possible transportation facilities while maintaining your satisfaction as a private landowner. More information about the acquisition process can be found in PennDOT Publication 83.
Click on the button below to provide your input by completing a comment form now through November 8th, 2024. THE COMMENT PERIOD HAS ENDED FOR THIS ACTIVITY.