The existing interchange of US 30 and Reeceville Road provides both eastbound and westbound on-ramps and off-ramps. The westbound on-ramp and off-ramp intersect Fisherville Road. The eastbound on-ramp and off-ramp intersect Reeceville Road. The existing intersection of Reeceville Road and Fisherville Road is a signalized intersection.
Some of the significant environmental features of the section include farmland, historic properties, a park, a golf course, schools, a hospital, seven streams, and two wetlands. Three active agricultural parcels are present in the vicinity of Fisherville Road, however development of two parcels is planned and the third is within the Brandywine Hospital medical complex. The third parcel also houses a farmhouse and barn that are among the numerous older buildings in the section that may have historic significance and will require historic evaluation. Already known to be of historical significance are the Coatesville VA Medical Center, National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) listed property located south of US 30, and the North Brandywine Middle School, a NRHP eligible resource located north of US 30 on Reeceville Road. The Reeceville Elementary School lies closer to US 30 on the same property housing the middle school. A portion of Caln Park West township park and its athletic fields lie within the western limits of the section on the south side of US 30. The Ingleside Golf Club is also located south of US 30 at the eastern limits of the section. The only wetlands in the section lie on the east side of the Reeceville Road interchange on both sides of US 30. Four small headwater channels, tributaries to Beaver Creek, are associated with the wetlands. Three more small, headwater channels of Beaver Creek are situated within the woods of a Home Owner Associations open space just west of the golf course.
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